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The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF Download

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The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

Before you download the The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF version , it is important to know a little bit about the book and its authors , namely, Nicole Apelian PhD and Claude Davis. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies” by Nicole Apelian and Claude Davis is a comprehensive guide to the healing properties of plants and natural remedies.

Drawing upon their expertise in herbalism, wilderness survival, and traditional living skills, Apelian and Davis present a wealth of knowledge on identifying, harvesting, and utilizing medicinal plants for health and wellness. The book covers a wide range of topics, including herbal remedies for common ailments, recipes for herbal preparations, and tips for sustainable foraging practices. With detailed descriptions, photographs, and step-by-step instructions, readers are equipped with the tools they need to harness the therapeutic benefits of plants and enhance their overall well-being. “The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies” serves as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in natural healing, self-sufficiency, and reconnecting with the healing power of nature.

Who is Nicole Apelian PhD?

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF Download

Nicole Apelian, Ph.D., is a renowned survival skills instructor, biologist, anthropologist, and herbalist known for her expertise in traditional living skills and nature-based wellness practices. With a diverse background that includes over 20 years of experience studying indigenous cultures and their methods of survival, Nicole has become a leading authority in the field of wilderness survival and primitive living. Her passion for nature and commitment to sharing ancient wisdom with modern audiences has made her a sought-after speaker, educator, and television personality. Through her work, Nicole empowers individuals to reconnect with the natural world, cultivate self-sufficiency, and live in harmony with the Earth.

Other Books by Nicole Apelian

  1. “A Reference Guide to Surviving Nature: Outdoor Preparation and Remedies”: This book serves as a practical reference guide for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists, providing essential information on wilderness survival skills, emergency preparedness, and natural remedies for common ailments.
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  2. “Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide : Forgotten Skills to Make the Wild Your Home: Drawing on her extensive experience in wilderness living, Nicole offers practical advice and techniques for thriving in the great outdoors. From building shelters and starting fires to foraging for food and navigating in the wilderness, this book covers essential wilderness skills for adventurers of all levels.
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  3. “The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods”: In this guidebook, Nicole explores the abundance of wild edible plants found in nature, providing readers with valuable information on identifying, harvesting, and preparing these nutritious foods. With detailed descriptions and photographs, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in foraging for wild edibles.
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Who is Claude Davis?

Claude Davis is a respected survivalist, author, and expert in traditional living skills. With a passion for preserving the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors, Davis has dedicated his life to studying and teaching the art of survival in various environments. Through his extensive research and hands-on experience, he has become a leading authority in the field of wilderness survival, primitive living, and self-sufficiency. Davis is best known for his bestselling book, “The Lost Ways,” which offers a comprehensive guide to traditional survival skills and techniques passed down through generations. His work emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with nature, learning from the past, and cultivating resilience in the face of adversity. As a sought-after speaker and educator, Claude Davis inspires audiences worldwide to embrace a simpler way of life and prepare for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

Other Books by Claude Davis

  1. “The Lost Ways 2”: This sequel to “The Lost Ways” continues to explore traditional survival skills and techniques for thriving in challenging environments. It offers additional insights and practical advice for self-sufficiency and preparedness.
  2. “The Lost Ways” : “The Lost Ways” by Claude Davis is a comprehensive guide to traditional survival skills and self-sufficiency. Through detailed instructions and historical insights, Davis explores ancient techniques for thriving in a variety of challenging environments. This book empowers readers to reconnect with the wisdom of their ancestors and prepare for whatever challenges may lie ahead.

My review of the “The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies”

I bought the pdf version of the lot book of herbal remedies. It is also sold in a paperback or a physical version. Since, I felt that the digital version is more convenient especially when you are t travelling frequently as I do, I went with that.

Nicole Apelian Books

The book begins with a standard Medical Disclaimer. This is not a medical guide and has not been approved by any official testing body or government agency like the FDA. Consulting a qualified medical specialist is the right thing to do. That being said, this book is based upon remedies and cures that people have used in the past.

The next few pages contains a very exhaustive “Table of Contents”

The Lost Book of herbal remedies pdf download

After the introduction about the authors, the book dives into what is called the “Medicinal Herbal Reference Guide”. I feel that this is the most important section in the book. The reason being this serves as an index of human ailments and the herbs and plants that alleviate that particular condition. This section is pretty exhaustive and spans pages 13 to 32.

For example, you have the “Digestive an Intestinal Issues” heading with conditions like abdominal pain, bloating , ulcers etc listed out and the herbs and plants that could serve as a cure for these conditions, along with the page numbers in the book where information could be found.

 The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

Following this section is the section titled “How to Harvest the Healing Power of Plants”

In this section Dr Nicole Apelian explains how to harvest herbs in terms of the best time of the day to harvest them, how and where to cut them while harvesting, harvesting seeds etc. She then moves on how to dry herbs, encapsulating the powdered herbs, herbal water infusions both cold and hot methods, teas, decoctions, infusions, salve making, tinctures /extracts, double extractions – alcohol and water, distillation, syrups, Poultice.

Dr Apelian also has included a section on how to manage Multiple  Sclerosis. It appears that she is suffering from that condition.

Next we have sections on the various kinds of plants starting off with “Backyard Plants”

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

In this section common backyard plants are listed along with sections on how to identify them, how to use them,  edible uses if any, medicinal uses etc are listed. Ashwagandha, Boneset, Bottle Gourd, Dandelion, Lavender are few of the exhaustive list of backyard plants in this section.

High quality images are also provided for each of the plants listed that making identification very easy.

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

I did not know that Licorice Root is effective against peptic ulcers.

Or that Marshmallow root is effective in healing skin injuries. Or that peppermint calms the stomach and is effective against IBS.

“Forest, Scrublands and Woodlands” is the next section in the book.

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

In the section on “Forest, Scrublands, and Woodlands” , I found a lot of information about the natural world’s healing potential. Dr Apelian explores various plants found in these diverse ecosystems, including American Ginseng, Bearberry, and Red Raspberry.

For instance, Red Raspberry improve the tone of the circulatory system and help lower blood pressure. Wil Ginger root tea is helpful in the treatment of colds and flu.

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

The next section is about helpful “Trees and Shrubs”

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

Trees and Shrubs covered in this section include Lilac, Gingko Biloba, Willow, Hawthorn etc.

I learnt that the Balsam Poplar bark and buds can be a highly effective treatment for respiratory illness. Bilberries are rich in antioxidants and helps fight free radical damage.

Our good old cranberry is good for early stage Urinary track infections. Another thing that I learnt is that people who are allergic to Aspirin should not consume cranberries.

One thing that excited me was about the benefits of the “Moringa Oleifera” or Drumstick tree. Coming from an  Asian country, this particular tree has been a staple ingredient of our diets. The leaves can be cooked and eaten as is highly nutritious. It has very high vitamin and mineral content.

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

“Mushrooms and Lichens” are listed in the next chapter.

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

Dr Apelian talks about how to Double/Dual Extract mushrooms and lichens upfront. A variety of Mushrooms and Lichens and their identification and medicinal uses are listed. Frankly, I had no idea that there are these many varieties of Mushrooms around us.

Found some interesting ones like Lion’s Mane Mushroom which are apparently edible and tasty and have a flavor and texture of crab or lobster.

The penultimate chapter is that of “Water-Loving Plants” like Duckweed, Water Plantain etc.

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

The final chapter is that of “Household Remedies”

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf download

this section lists out treatments using common items that can be found around the house like Boric Acid, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric etc.

Turmeric as we all know is a very powerful anti-inflammatory and ha been used for hundreds of years by Asian cultures in cuisines.

Finally, the appendix helps readers navigate the book more effectively and facilitate easier exploration of topics either by looking up conditions or plant names.

How to use the The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies pdf?

Readers can either look for a herb or discover what plants are growing in your area by virtue of comparing them with the high resolution images and their distinguishing characteristics given in the book.

You could also browse for particular health conditions or illness and then match them with the corresponding plants and the way to use them as illustrated in the book.



“The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies” pdf  is an incredible resource filled with valuable information about natural living. It specifically targets those who may have overlooked the abundant healing potential of plants and herbs that surround them. The book encourages readers to tap into nature’s bounty, which is practically available to them at no cost.

Pros of the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF

  • High resolution images of plants/herbs/tress etc that assists readers in identifying them in their surroundings.
  • Exhaustive list of plants that can be used to address almost every kind of health issue
  • Comprehensive list of health conditions an their cures using plants and herbs
  • Instructions on how to use the plants including ways to make infusions both cold and hot methods, teas, decoctions, infusions, salve making, tinctures /extracts etc.

Cons of the Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF

  • Access to all of the plants and herbs mentioned in the book may not be possible for people who are not living in a country setting.
  • Some sort of technical knowledge would be required to prepare the extracts mentioned in the book. Some of these preparations might not be easy for the layperson.
  • As a continuation of the above, lack of expertise in making these extracts could impact effectiveness and could also be dangerous
  • OTC medicines act quickly and provide instant relief. Using plants and herbs for cures might not be possible for emergency situations.
  • Side-effects are possible when self-medicating with herbs and plants.

Where can I Download The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF?

You can download The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies PDF from the OFFICIAL SITE

Does The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies have both Physical and Digital copies

Yes, this book can be obtained in both Paperback and Digital Formats

The lost book of herbal remedies pdf downloadThe lost book of herbal remedies pdf download


We feel that this natural cure book should be an important part of your household for those who believe in a holistic approach to health, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of illness, focusing on overall well-being rather than just treating isolated symptoms.

Herbal remedies can be more cost-effective than prescription medications, particularly for chronic conditions that require long-term treatment.

You get a 60-day, 100% of money back guarantee if, for any reason, you  are not satisfied with the contents of the book for a full refund.

So,, get the The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies today!

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Medical Disclaimer: “This article does not provide medical advice It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on this website ( . If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911. The website “” shall incur no liability or be held responsible to any person or entity regarding any loss of life or injury, alleged or otherwise, that happened directly or indirectly as a result of using the information contained on this website.”

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